Source code for apstools.utils.misc

Miscellaneous Support

.. autosummary::


import databroker
import logging
import ophyd
import pyRestTable
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
import time

from bluesky import plan_stubs as bps
from bluesky.callbacks.best_effort import BestEffortCallback
from collections import OrderedDict

from .profile_support import ipython_shell_namespace
from ..callbacks import spec_file_writer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def cleanupText(text): """ convert text so it can be used as a dictionary key Given some input text string, return a clean version remove troublesome characters, perhaps other cleanup as well. This is best done with regular expression pattern matching. """ pattern = "[a-zA-Z0-9_]" def mapper(c): if re.match(pattern, c) is not None: return c return "_" return "".join([mapper(c) for c in text])
[docs]def dictionary_table(dictionary, **kwargs): """ return a text table from ``dictionary`` PARAMETERS dictionary *dict* : Python dictionary Note: Keyword arguments parameters are kept for compatibility with previous versions of apstools. They are ignored now. RETURNS table *object* or ``None`` : ``pyRestTable.Table()`` object (multiline text table) or ``None`` if dictionary has no contents EXAMPLE:: In [8]: Out[8]: {'login_id': '', 'beamline_id': 'developer', 'proposal_id': None, 'pid': 19072, 'scan_id': 10, 'version': {'bluesky': '1.5.2', 'ophyd': '1.3.3', 'apstools': '1.1.5', 'epics': '3.3.3'}} In [9]: print(dictionary_table( =========== ============================================================================= key value =========== ============================================================================= beamline_id developer login_id pid 19072 proposal_id None scan_id 10 version {'bluesky': '1.5.2', 'ophyd': '1.3.3', 'apstools': '1.1.5', 'epics': '3.3.3'} =========== ============================================================================= """ if len(dictionary) == 0: return t = pyRestTable.Table() t.addLabel("key") t.addLabel("value") for k, v in sorted(dictionary.items()): t.addRow((k, str(v))) return t
[docs]def full_dotted_name(obj): """ Return the full dotted name The ``.dotted_name`` property does not include the name of the root object. This routine adds that. see: """ names = [] while obj.parent is not None: names.append(obj.attr_name) obj = obj.parent names.append( return ".".join(names[::-1])
[docs]def itemizer(fmt, items): """Format a list of items.""" return [fmt % k for k in items]
[docs]def pairwise(iterable): """ break a list (or other iterable) into pairs :: s -> (s0, s1), (s2, s3), (s4, s5), ... In [71]: for item in pairwise("a b c d e fg".split()): ...: print(item) ...: ('a', 'b') ('c', 'd') ('e', 'fg') """ a = iter(iterable) return zip(a, a)
[docs]def replay(headers, callback=None, sort=True): """ Replay the document stream from one (or more) scans (headers). PARAMETERS headers *scan* or *[scan]* : Scan(s) to be replayed through callback. A *scan* is an instance of a Bluesky ``databroker.Header``. see: callback *scan* or *[scan]* : The Bluesky callback to handle the stream of documents from a scan. If ``None``, then use the `bec` (BestEffortCallback) from the IPython shell. (default:``None``) sort *bool* : Sort the headers chronologically if True. (default:``True``) (new in apstools release 1.1.11) """ # fmt: off callback = callback or ipython_shell_namespace().get( "bec", # get from IPython shell BestEffortCallback(), # make one, if we must ) # fmt: on _headers = headers # do not mutate the input arg if isinstance(_headers, databroker.Header): _headers = [_headers] def increasing_time_sorter(run): return run.start["time"] def decreasing_time_sorter(run): """Default for databroker v0 results.""" return -run.start["time"] # fmt: off sorter = { True: increasing_time_sorter, False: decreasing_time_sorter, }[sort] # fmt: on for h in sorted(_headers, key=sorter): if not isinstance(h, databroker.Header): # fmt: off raise TypeError( f"Must be a databroker Header: received: {type(h)}: |{h}|" ) # fmt: on cmd = spec_file_writer._rebuild_scan_command(h.start) logger.debug("%s", cmd) # at last, this is where the real action happens for k, doc in h.documents(): # get the stream callback(k, doc) # play it through the callback
[docs]def run_in_thread(func): """ (decorator) run ``func`` in thread USAGE:: @run_in_thread def progress_reporting(): logger.debug("progress_reporting is starting") # ... #... progress_reporting() # runs in separate thread #... """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): thread = threading.Thread(target=func, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) thread.start() return thread return wrapper
[docs]def safe_ophyd_name(text): r""" make text safe to be used as an ophyd object name Given some input text string, return a clean version. Remove troublesome characters, perhaps other cleanup as well. This is best done with regular expression pattern matching. The "sanitized" name fits this regular expression:: [A-Za-z_][\w_]* Also can be used for safe HDF5 and NeXus names. """ replacement = "_" noncompliance = r"[^\w_]" # replace ALL non-compliances with '_' safer = replacement.join(re.split(noncompliance, text)) # can't start with a digit if safer[0].isdigit(): safer = replacement + safer return safer
[docs]def split_quoted_line(line): """ splits a line into words some of which might be quoted TESTS:: FlyScan 0 0 0 blank FlyScan 5 2 0 "empty container" FlyScan 5 12 0 "even longer name" SAXS 0 0 0 blank SAXS 0 0 0 "blank" RESULTS:: ['FlyScan', '0', '0', '0', 'blank'] ['FlyScan', '5', '2', '0', 'empty container'] ['FlyScan', '5', '12', '0', 'even longer name'] ['SAXS', '0', '0', '0', 'blank'] ['SAXS', '0', '0', '0', 'blank'] """ parts = [] # look for open and close quoted parts and combine them quoted = False multi = None for p in line.split(): if not quoted and p.startswith('"'): # begin quoted text quoted = True multi = "" if quoted: if len(multi) > 0: multi += " " multi += p if p.endswith('"'): # end quoted text quoted = False if not quoted: if multi is not None: parts.append(multi[1:-1]) # remove enclosing quotes multi = None else: parts.append(p) return parts
[docs]def text_encode(source): """Encode ``source`` using the default codepoint.""" return source.encode(errors="ignore")
[docs]def to_unicode_or_bust(obj, encoding="utf-8"): """from: .""" if isinstance(obj, str): if not isinstance(obj, str): obj = str(obj, encoding) return obj
[docs]def trim_string_for_EPICS(msg): """String must not exceed EPICS PV length.""" if len(msg) > MAX_EPICS_STRINGOUT_LENGTH: msg = msg[: MAX_EPICS_STRINGOUT_LENGTH - 1] return msg
[docs]def unix(command, raises=True): """ Run a UNIX command, returns (stdout, stderr). PARAMETERS command *str* : UNIX command to be executed raises *bool* : If ``True``, will raise exceptions as needed, default: ``True`` """ if sys.platform not in ("linux", "linux2"): emsg = f"Cannot call unix() when OS={sys.platform}" raise RuntimeError(emsg) process = subprocess.Popen( command, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() if len(stderr) > 0: emsg = f"unix({command}) returned error:\n{stderr}" logger.error(emsg) if raises: raise RuntimeError(emsg) return stdout, stderr
[docs]def listobjects(show_pv=True, printing=True, verbose=False, symbols=None): """ Show all the ophyd Signal and Device objects defined as globals. PARAMETERS show_pv *bool* : If True, also show relevant EPICS PV, if available. (default: True) printing *bool* : If True, print table to stdout. (default: True) verbose *bool* : If True, also show ``str(obj``. (default: False) symbols *dict* : If None, use global symbol table. If not None, use provided dictionary. (default: ``globals()``) RETURNS object: Instance of ``pyRestTable.Table()`` EXAMPLE:: In [1]: listobjects() ======== ================================ ============= name ophyd structure EPICS PV ======== ================================ ============= adsimdet MySingleTriggerSimDetector vm7SIM1: m1 EpicsMotor vm7:m1 m2 EpicsMotor vm7:m2 m3 EpicsMotor vm7:m3 m4 EpicsMotor vm7:m4 m5 EpicsMotor vm7:m5 m6 EpicsMotor vm7:m6 m7 EpicsMotor vm7:m7 m8 EpicsMotor vm7:m8 noisy EpicsSignalRO vm7:userCalc1 scaler ScalerCH vm7:scaler1 shutter SimulatedApsPssShutterWithStatus ======== ================================ ============= Out[1]: <pyRestTable.rest_table.Table at 0x7fa4398c7cf8> In [2]: (new in apstools release 1.1.8) """ table = pyRestTable.Table() table.labels = ["name", "ophyd structure"] if show_pv: table.addLabel("EPICS PV") if verbose: table.addLabel("object representation") table.addLabel("label(s)") if symbols is None: # the default choice g = ipython_shell_namespace() if len(g) == 0: # ultimate fallback g = globals() else: g = symbols for k, v in sorted(g.items()): if isinstance(v, (ophyd.Signal, ophyd.Device)): row = [k, v.__class__.__name__] if show_pv: if hasattr(v, "pvname"): row.append(v.pvname) elif hasattr(v, "prefix"): row.append(v.prefix) else: row.append("") if verbose: row.append(str(v)) row.append(" ".join(v._ophyd_labels_)) table.addRow(row) if printing: print(table) return table
[docs]def connect_pvlist(pvlist, wait=True, timeout=2, poll_interval=0.1): """ Given list of EPICS PV names, return dict of EpicsSignal objects. PARAMETERS pvlist *[str]* : list of EPICS PV names wait *bool* : should wait for EpicsSignal objects to connect (default: ``True``) timeout *float* : maximum time to wait for PV connections, seconds (default: 2.0) poll_interval *float* : time to sleep between checks for PV connections, seconds (default: 0.1) """ obj_dict = OrderedDict() for item in pvlist: if len(item.strip()) == 0: continue pvname = item.strip() oname = "signal_{}".format(len(obj_dict)) obj = ophyd.EpicsSignal(pvname, name=oname) obj_dict[oname] = obj if wait: times_up = time.time() + min(0, timeout) poll_interval = min(0.01, poll_interval) waiting = True while waiting and time.time() < times_up: time.sleep(poll_interval) waiting = False in [o.connected for o in obj_dict.values()] if waiting: n = OrderedDict() for k, v in obj_dict.items(): if v.connected: n[k] = v else: print(f"Could not connect {v.pvname}") if len(n) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Could not connect any PVs in the list") obj_dict = n return obj_dict
[docs]def redefine_motor_position(motor, new_position): """Set EPICS motor record's user coordinate to ``new_position``.""" yield from, 1) yield from, new_position) yield from, 0)