Source code for apstools.utils.plot

Plot Support

.. autosummary::


import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def select_mpl_figure(x, y): """ Get the MatPlotLib Figure window for y vs x. PARAMETERS x *object*: X axis object (an ``ophyd.Signal``) y ophyd object: X axis object (an ``ophyd.Signal``) RETURNS object or ``None``: Instance of ``matplotlib.pyplot.Figure()`` """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt figure_name = f"{} vs {}" if figure_name in plt.get_figlabels(): return plt.figure(figure_name)
[docs]def select_live_plot(bec, signal): """ Get the *first* live plot that matches ``signal``. PARAMETERS bec *object*: instance of ``bluesky.callbacks.best_effort.BestEffortCallback`` signal *object*: The Y axis object (an ``ophyd.Signal``) RETURNS *object*: Instance of ``bluesky.callbacks.best_effort.LivePlotPlusPeaks()`` or ``None`` """ for live_plot_dict in bec._live_plots.values(): live_plot = live_plot_dict.get( if live_plot is not None: return live_plot
[docs]def trim_plot_lines(bec, n, x, y): """ Find the plot with axes x and y and replot with at most the last *n* lines. Note: :func:`trim_plot_lines` is not a bluesky plan. Call it as normal Python function. EXAMPLE:: trim_plot_lines(bec, 1, m1, noisy) PARAMETERS bec *object* : instance of BestEffortCallback n *int* : number of plots to keep x *object* : instance of ophyd.Signal (or subclass), independent (x) axis y *object* : instance of ophyd.Signal (or subclass), dependent (y) axis (new in release 1.3.5) """ liveplot = select_live_plot(bec, y) if liveplot is None: logger.debug("no live plot found with signal '%s'", return fig = select_mpl_figure(x, y) if fig is None: logger.debug("no figure found with '%s vs %s'",, return if len(fig.axes) == 0: logger.debug("no plots on figure: '%s vs %s'",, return ax = fig.axes[0] while len(ax.lines) > n: try: ax.lines[0].remove() except ValueError as exc: if not str(exc).endswith("x not in list"): # fmt: off logger.warning( "%s vs %s: mpl remove() error: %s",,, str(exc), ) # fmt: on ax.legend() liveplot.update_plot() logger.debug("trim complete")
[docs]def trim_plot_by_name(n=3, plots=None): """ Find the plot(s) by name and replot with at most the last *n* lines. Note: this is not a bluesky plan. Call it as normal Python function. It is recommended to call :func:`~trim_plot_by_name()` *before* the scan(s) that generate plots. Plots are generated from a RunEngine callback, executed *after* the scan completes. PARAMETERS n *int* : number of plots to keep plots *str*, [*str*], or *None* : name(s) of plot windows to trim (default: all plot windows) EXAMPLES:: trim_plot_by_name() # default of n=3, apply to all plots trim_plot_by_name(5) # change from default of n=3 trim_plot_by_name(5, "noisy_det vs motor") # just this plot trim_plot_by_name( 5, ["noisy_det vs motor", "det noisy_det vs motor"]] ) EXAMPLE:: # use simulators from ophyd from bluesky import plans as bp from bluesky import plan_stubs as bps from ophyd.sim import * snooze = 0.25 def scan_set(): trim_plot_by_name() yield from bp.scan([noisy_det], motor, -1, 1, 5) yield from bp.scan([noisy_det, det], motor, -2, 1, motor2, 3, 1, 6) yield from bps.sleep(snooze) # repeat the_scans 15 times uids = RE(bps.repeat(scan_set, 15)) (new in release 1.3.5) """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if isinstance(plots, str): plots = [plots] for fig_name in plt.get_figlabels(): if plots is None or fig_name in plots: fig = plt.figure(fig_name) for ax in fig.axes: while len(ax.lines) > n: ax.lines[0].remove() # update the plot legend ax.legend()