Source code for apstools.devices

(ophyd) Devices that might be useful at the APS using BlueSky


.. autosummary::


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synApps records

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Internal routines

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# :author:    Pete R. Jemian
# :email:
# :copyright: (c) 2017-2019, UChicago Argonne, LLC
# Distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License.
# The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software.

from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime
import epics
import itertools
import logging
import numpy as np
import threading
import time

from .synApps_ophyd import *
from . import plans as APS_plans

import ophyd
from ophyd import Component, Device, DeviceStatus, FormattedComponent
from ophyd import Signal, EpicsMotor, EpicsSignal, EpicsSignalRO
from ophyd.mca import EpicsMCARecord
from ophyd.scaler import EpicsScaler, ScalerCH
from ophyd.positioner import PositionerBase

from ophyd.areadetector.filestore_mixins import FileStoreHDF5
from ophyd.areadetector.filestore_mixins import FileStoreBase
from ophyd.areadetector.filestore_mixins import FileStorePluginBase
from ophyd.areadetector.filestore_mixins import FileStoreIterativeWrite
from ophyd import HDF5Plugin
from ophyd.utils import set_and_wait

from bluesky import plan_stubs as bps

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

"""for convenience"""		# TODO: contribute to ophyd?

[docs]def use_EPICS_scaler_channels(scaler): """ configure scaler for only the channels with names assigned in EPICS Note: For `ScalerCH`, use `scaler.select_channels(None)` instead of this code. (Applies only to `ophyd.scaler.ScalerCH` in releases after 2019-02-27.) """ if isinstance(scaler, EpicsScaler): import epics read_attrs = [] for ch in scaler.channels.component_names: _nam = epics.caget("{}.NM{}".format(scaler.prefix, int(ch[4:]))) if len(_nam.strip()) > 0: read_attrs.append(ch) scaler.channels.read_attrs = read_attrs elif isinstance(scaler, ScalerCH): # superceded by: scaler.match_names() read_attrs = [] configuration_attrs = [] for ch in scaler.channels.component_names: nm_pv = scaler.channels.__getattribute__(ch) if nm_pv is not None and len(nm_pv.chname.value.strip()) > 0: read_attrs.append(ch) configuration_attrs.append(ch) configuration_attrs.append(ch+".chname") configuration_attrs.append(ch+".preset") configuration_attrs.append(ch+".gate") scaler.channels.read_attrs = read_attrs scaler.channels.configuration_attrs = configuration_attrs
class ApsOperatorMessagesDevice(Device): """general messages from the APS main control room""" operators = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "OPS:message1", string=True) floor_coordinator = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "OPS:message2", string=True) fill_pattern = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "OPS:message3", string=True) last_problem_message = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "OPS:message4", string=True) last_trip_message = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "OPS:message5", string=True) # messages 6-8: meaning? message6 = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "OPS:message6", string=True) message7 = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "OPS:message7", string=True) message8 = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "OPS:message8", string=True) class ApsMachineParametersDevice(Device): """ common operational parameters of the APS of general interest EXAMPLE:: import apstools.devices as APS_devices APS = APS_devices.ApsMachineParametersDevice(name="APS") aps_current = APS.current # make sure these values are logged at start and stop of every scan sd.baseline.append(APS) # record storage ring current as secondary stream during scans # name: aps_current_monitor # db[-1].table("aps_current_monitor") sd.monitors.append(aps_current) The `sd.baseline` and `sd.monitors` usage relies on this global setup: from bluesky import SupplementalData sd = SupplementalData() RE.preprocessors.append(sd) .. autosummary:: ~inUserOperations """ current = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "S:SRcurrentAI") lifetime = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "S:SRlifeTimeHrsCC") machine_status = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "S:DesiredMode", string=True) # In [3]: APS.machine_status.enum_strs # Out[3]: # ('State Unknown', # 'USER OPERATIONS', # 'Bm Ln Studies', # 'INJ Studies', # 'ASD Studies', # 'NO BEAM', # 'MAINTENANCE') operating_mode = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "S:ActualMode", string=True) # In [4]: APS.operating_mode.enum_strs # Out[4]: # ('State Unknown', # 'NO BEAM', # 'Injecting', # 'Stored Beam', # 'Delivered Beam', # 'MAINTENANCE') shutter_permit = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "ACIS:ShutterPermit", string=True) fill_number = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "S:FillNumber") orbit_correction = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "S:OrbitCorrection:CC") global_feedback = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "SRFB:GBL:LoopStatusBI", string=True) global_feedback_h = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "SRFB:GBL:HLoopStatusBI", string=True) global_feedback_v = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "SRFB:GBL:VLoopStatusBI", string=True) operator_messages = Component(ApsOperatorMessagesDevice) @property def inUserOperations(self): """ determine if APS is in User Operations mode (boolean) Use this property to configure ophyd Devices for direct or simulated hardware. See issue #49 ( for details. EXAMPLE:: APS = apstools.devices.ApsMachineParametersDevice(name="APS") if APS.inUserOperations: suspend_APS_current = bluesky.suspenders.SuspendFloor(APS.current, 2, resume_thresh=10) RE.install_suspender(suspend_APS_current) else: # use pseudo shutter controls and no current suspenders pass """ verdict = self.machine_status.value in (1, "USER OPERATIONS") # verdict = verdict and self.operating_mode.value not in (5, "MAINTENANCE") return verdict class ShutterBase(Device): """ base class for all shutter Devices PARAMETERS value : str any from ``self.choices`` (typically "open" or "close") valid_open_values : [str] A list of lower-case text values that are acceptable for use with the ``set()`` command to open the shutter. valid_close_values : [str] A list of lower-case text values that are acceptable for use with the ``set()`` command to close the shutter. open_value : number The actual value to send to open ``signal`` to open the shutter. (default = 1) close_value : number The actual value to send to close ``signal`` to close the shutter. (default = 0) delay_s : float time to wait (s) after move is complete, does not wait if shutter already in position (default = 0) busy : Signal (internal) tells if a move is in progress unknown_state : str (constant) Text reported by ``state`` when not open or closed. cannot move to this position (default = "unknown") """ valid_open_values = ["open", "opened",] # lower-case strings ONLY valid_close_values = ["close", "closed",] open_value = 1 # value of "open" close_value = 0 # value of "close" delay_s = 0.0 # time to wait (s) after move is complete busy = Component(Signal, value=False) unknown_state = "unknown" # cannot move to this position # - - - - likely to override these methods in subclass - - - - def open(self): """BLOCKING: request shutter to open, called by set()""" raise NotImplementedError("must implement in subclass") """ example code if not self.isOpen: self.signal.put(self.open_value) if self.delay_s > 0: time.sleep(self.delay_s) # blocking call OK here """ def close(self): """BLOCKING: request shutter to close, called by set()""" raise NotImplementedError("must implement in subclass") """ example code if not self.isClosed: self.signal.put(self.close_value) if self.delay_s > 0: time.sleep(self.delay_s) # blocking call OK here """ @property def state(self): """returns 'open', 'close', or 'unknown'""" raise NotImplementedError("must implement in subclass") """ example code if self.signal.value == self.open_value: result = self.valid_open_values[0] elif self.signal.value == self.close_value: result = self.valid_close_values[0] else: result = self.unknown_state return result """ # - - - - - - possible to override in subclass - - - - - - def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.valid_open_values = list(map(self.lowerCaseString, self.valid_open_values)) self.valid_close_values = list(map(self.lowerCaseString, self.valid_close_values)) @property def isOpen(self): """is the shutter open?""" return str(self.state) == self.valid_open_values[0] @property def isClosed(self): """is the shutter closed?""" return str(self.state) == self.valid_close_values[0] def inPosition(self, target): """is the shutter at the target position?""" self.validTarget(target) __value__ = self.lowerCaseString(target) if __value__ in self.valid_open_values and self.isOpen: return True elif __value__ in self.valid_close_values and self.isClosed: return True return False def set(self, value, **kwargs): """ plan: request the shutter to open or close PARAMETERS value : str any from ``self.choices`` (typically "open" or "close") kwargs : dict ignored at this time """ if self.busy.value: raise RuntimeError("shutter is operating") __value__ = self.lowerCaseString(value) self.validTarget(__value__) status = DeviceStatus(self) if self.inPosition(__value__): # no need to move, cut straight to the end status._finished(success=True) else: def move_it(): # runs in a thread, no need to "yield from" self.busy.put(True) if __value__ in self.valid_open_values: elif __value__ in self.valid_close_values: self.close() self.busy.put(False) status._finished(success=True) # get it moving threading.Thread(target=move_it, daemon=True).start() return status # - - - - - - not likely to override in subclass - - - - - - def addCloseValue(self, text): """a synonym to close the shutter, use with set()""" self.valid_close_values.append(self.lowerCaseString(text)) return self.choices # return the list of acceptable values def addOpenValue(self, text): """a synonym to open the shutter, use with set()""" self.valid_open_values.append(self.lowerCaseString(text)) return self.choices # return the list of acceptable values @property def choices(self): """return list of acceptable choices for set()""" return self.valid_open_values + self.valid_close_values def lowerCaseString(self, value): """ensure any given value is a lower-case string""" return str(value).lower() def validTarget(self, target, should_raise=True): """ return whether (or not) target value is acceptable for self.set() raise ValueError if not acceptable (default) """ acceptable_values = self.choices ok = self.lowerCaseString(target) in acceptable_values if not ok and should_raise: msg = "received " + str(target) msg += " : should be only one of " msg += " | ".join(acceptable_values) raise ValueError(msg) return ok class OneSignalShutter(ShutterBase): """ shutter Device using one Signal for open and close PARAMETERS signal : EpicsSignal or Signal (override in subclass) The ``signal`` is the comunication to the hardware. In a subclass, the hardware may have more than one communication channel to use. See the ``ApsPssShutter`` as an example. See ``ShutterBase`` for more parameters. EXAMPLE Create a simulated shutter: shutter = OneSignalShutter(name="shutter") open the shutter (interactively): Check the shutter is open: In [144]: shutter.isOpen Out[144]: True Use the shutter in a Bluesky plan. Set a post-move delay time of 1.0 seconds. Be sure to use ``yield from``, such as:: def in_a_plan(shutter): shutter.delay_s = 1.0 t0 = time.time() print("Shutter state: " + shutter.state, time.time()-t0) yield from bps.abs_set(shutter, "open", wait=True) # wait for completion is optional print("Shutter state: " + shutter.state, time.time()-t0) yield from, "open") # do it again print("Shutter state: " + shutter.state, time.time()-t0) yield from, "close") # ALWAYS waits for completion print("Shutter state: " + shutter.state, time.time()-t0) RE(in_a_plan(shutter)) which gives this output: Shutter state: close 1.7642974853515625e-05 Shutter state: open 1.0032124519348145 Shutter state: open 1.0057861804962158 Shutter state: close 2.009695529937744 The strings accepted by `set()` are defined in two lists: `valid_open_values` and `valid_close_values`. These lists are treated (internally to `set()`) as lower case strings. Example, add "o" & "x" as aliases for "open" & "close": shutter.addOpenValue("o") shutter.addCloseValue("x") shutter.set("o") shutter.set("x") """ signal = Component(Signal, value=0) @property def state(self): """is shutter "open", "close", or "unknown"?""" if self.signal.value == self.open_value: result = self.valid_open_values[0] elif self.signal.value == self.close_value: result = self.valid_close_values[0] else: result = self.unknown_state return result def open(self): """BLOCKING: request shutter to open, called by set()""" if not self.isOpen: self.signal.put(self.open_value) if self.delay_s > 0: time.sleep(self.delay_s) # blocking call OK here def close(self): """BLOCKING: request shutter to close, called by set()""" if not self.isClosed: self.signal.put(self.close_value) if self.delay_s > 0: time.sleep(self.delay_s) # blocking call OK here class ApsPssShutter(ShutterBase): """ APS PSS shutter * APS PSS shutters have separate bit PVs for open and close * set either bit, the shutter moves, and the bit resets a short time later * no indication that the shutter has actually moved from the bits (see :func:`ApsPssShutterWithStatus()` for alternative) Since there is no direct indication that a shutter has moved, the ``state`` property will always return *unknown* and the ``isOpen`` and ``isClosed`` properties will always return *False*. A consequence of the unknown state is that the shutter will always be commanded to move (and wait the ``delay_s`` time), even if it is already at that position. This device could keep track of the last commanded position, but that is not guaranteed to be true since the shutter could be moved from other software. The default ``delay_s`` has been set at *1.2 s* to allow for shutter motion. Change this as desired. Advise if this default should be changed. EXAMPLE:: shutter_a = ApsPssShutter("2bma:A_shutter:", name="shutter") shutter_a.close() shutter_a.set("open") shutter_a.set("close") When using the shutter in a plan, be sure to use ``yield from``, such as:: def in_a_plan(shutter): yield from abs_set(shutter, "open", wait=True) # do something yield from abs_set(shutter, "close", wait=True) RE(in_a_plan(shutter_a)) The strings accepted by `set()` are defined in two lists: `valid_open_values` and `valid_close_values`. These lists are treated (internally to `set()`) as lower case strings. Example, add "o" & "x" as aliases for "open" & "close": shutter_a.addOpenValue("o") shutter_a.addCloseValue("x") shutter_a.set("o") shutter_a.set("x") """ # bo records that reset after a short time, set to 1 to move # note: upper-case first characters here (unique to 9-ID)? open_signal = Component(EpicsSignal, "Open") close_signal = Component(EpicsSignal, "Close") delay_s = 1.2 # allow time for shutter to move @property def state(self): """is shutter "open", "close", or "unknown"?""" return self.unknown_state # no state info available def open(self, timeout=10): """request the shutter to open (timeout is ignored)""" if not self.isOpen: self.open_signal.put(1) # wait for the shutter to move if self.delay_s > 0: time.sleep(self.delay_s) # blocking call OK here # reset that signal (if not done by EPICS) if self.open_signal.value == 1: self.open_signal.put(0) def close(self, timeout=10): """request the shutter to close (timeout is ignored)""" if not self.isClosed: self.close_signal.put(1) # wait for the shutter to move if self.delay_s > 0: time.sleep(self.delay_s) # blocking call OK here # reset that signal (if not done by EPICS) if self.close_signal.value == 1: self.close_signal.put(0) class ApsPssShutterWithStatus(ApsPssShutter): """ APS PSS shutter with separate status PV * APS PSS shutters have separate bit PVs for open and close * set either bit, the shutter moves, and the bit resets a short time later * a separate status PV tells if the shutter is open or closed (see :func:`ApsPssShutter()` for alternative) EXAMPLE:: A_shutter = ApsPssShutterWithStatus( "2bma:A_shutter:", "PA:02BM:STA_A_FES_OPEN_PL", name="A_shutter") B_shutter = ApsPssShutterWithStatus( "2bma:B_shutter:", "PA:02BM:STA_B_SBS_OPEN_PL", name="B_shutter") A_shutter.close() or A_shutter.set("open") A_shutter.set("close") When using the shutter in a plan, be sure to use `yield from`. def in_a_plan(shutter): yield from abs_set(shutter, "open", wait=True) # do something yield from abs_set(shutter, "close", wait=True) RE(in_a_plan(A_shutter)) """ # bi record ZNAM=OFF, ONAM=ON pss_state = FormattedComponent(EpicsSignalRO, "{self.state_pv}") pss_state_open_values = [1] pss_state_closed_values = [0] delay_s = 0 # let caller add time after the move _poll_factor_ = 1.5 _poll_s_min_ = 0.002 _poll_s_max_ = 0.15 def __init__(self, prefix, state_pv, *args, **kwargs): self.state_pv = state_pv super().__init__(prefix, *args, **kwargs) @property def state(self): """is shutter "open", "close", or "unknown"?""" # update the list of acceptable values - very inefficient but works for item in self.pss_state.enum_strs[1]: if item not in self.pss_state_open_values: self.pss_state_open_values.append(item) for item in self.pss_state.enum_strs[0]: if item not in self.pss_state_closed_values: self.pss_state_closed_values.append(item) if self.pss_state.value in self.pss_state_open_values: result = self.valid_open_values[0] elif self.pss_state.value in self.pss_state_closed_values: result = self.valid_close_values[0] else: result = self.unknown_state return result def wait_for_state(self, target, timeout=10, poll_s=0.01): """ wait for the PSS state to reach a desired target PARAMETERS target : [str] list of strings containing acceptable values timeout : non-negative number maximum amount of time (seconds) to wait for PSS state to reach target poll_s : non-negative number Time to wait (seconds) in first polling cycle. After first poll, this will be increased by ``_poll_factor_`` up to a maximum time of ``_poll_s_max_``. """ if timeout is not None: expiration = time.time() + max(timeout, 0) # ensure non-negative timeout else: expiration = None # ensure the poll delay is reasonable if poll_s > self._poll_s_max_: poll_s = self._poll_s_max_ elif poll_s < self._poll_s_min_: poll_s = self._poll_s_min_ while self.pss_state.value not in target: time.sleep(poll_s) if poll_s < self._poll_s_max_: poll_s *= self._poll_factor_ # progressively longer if expiration is not None and time.time() > expiration: msg = f"Timeout ({timeout} s) waiting for shutter state" msg += f" to reach a value in {target}" raise TimeoutError(msg) def open(self, timeout=10): """request the shutter to open""" if not self.isOpen: self.open_signal.put(1) # wait for the shutter to move self.wait_for_state( self.pss_state_open_values, timeout=timeout) # wait as caller specified if self.delay_s > 0: time.sleep(self.delay_s) # blocking call OK here # reset that signal (if not done by EPICS) if self.open_signal.value == 1: self.open_signal.put(0) def close(self, timeout=10): """request the shutter to close""" if not self.isClosed: self.close_signal.put(1) # wait for the shutter to move self.wait_for_state( self.pss_state_closed_values, timeout=timeout) # wait as caller specified if self.delay_s > 0: time.sleep(self.delay_s) # blocking call OK here # reset that signal (if not done by EPICS) if self.close_signal.value == 1: self.close_signal.put(0) class SimulatedApsPssShutterWithStatus(ApsPssShutterWithStatus): """ Simulated APS PSS shutter EXAMPLE:: sim = SimulatedApsPssShutterWithStatus(name="sim") """ open_signal = Component(Signal, value=0) close_signal = Component(Signal, value=0) pss_state = FormattedComponent(Signal, value='close') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ApsPssShutter, self).__init__("", *args, **kwargs) self.pss_state_open_values += self.valid_open_values self.pss_state_closed_values += self.valid_close_values def wait_for_state(self, target, timeout=10, poll_s=0.01): """ wait for the PSS state to reach a desired target PARAMETERS target : [str] list of strings containing acceptable values timeout : non-negative number Ignored in the simulation. poll_s : non-negative number Ignored in the simulation. """ simulated_response_time_s = np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.9) time.sleep(simulated_response_time_s) self.pss_state.put(target[0]) @property def state(self): """is shutter "open", "close", or "unknown"?""" if self.pss_state.value in self.pss_state_open_values: result = self.valid_open_values[0] elif self.pss_state.value in self.pss_state_closed_values: result = self.valid_close_values[0] else: result = self.unknown_state return result class ApsUndulator(Device): """ APS Undulator EXAMPLE:: undulator = ApsUndulator("ID09ds:", name="undulator") """ energy = Component(EpicsSignal, "Energy", write_pv="EnergySet") energy_taper = Component(EpicsSignal, "TaperEnergy", write_pv="TaperEnergySet") gap = Component(EpicsSignal, "Gap", write_pv="GapSet") gap_taper = Component(EpicsSignal, "TaperGap", write_pv="TaperGapSet") start_button = Component(EpicsSignal, "Start") stop_button = Component(EpicsSignal, "Stop") harmonic_value = Component(EpicsSignal, "HarmonicValue") gap_deadband = Component(EpicsSignal, "DeadbandGap") device_limit = Component(EpicsSignal, "DeviceLimit") access_mode = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "AccessSecurity") device_status = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "Busy") total_power = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "TotalPower") message1 = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "Message1") message2 = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "Message2") message3 = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "Message3") time_left = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "ShClosedTime") device = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "Device") location = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "Location") version = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "Version") class ApsUndulatorDual(Device): """ APS Undulator with upstream *and* downstream controls EXAMPLE:: undulator = ApsUndulatorDual("ID09", name="undulator") note:: the trailing ``:`` in the PV prefix should be omitted """ upstream = Component(ApsUndulator, "us:") downstream = Component(ApsUndulator, "ds:") class ApsBssUserInfoDevice(Device): """ provide current experiment info from the APS BSS BSS: Beamtime Scheduling System EXAMPLE:: bss_user_info = ApsBssUserInfoDevice( "9id_bss:", name="bss_user_info") sd.baseline.append(bss_user_info) """ proposal_number = Component(EpicsSignal, "proposal_number") activity = Component(EpicsSignal, "activity", string=True) badge = Component(EpicsSignal, "badge", string=True) bss_name = Component(EpicsSignal, "bss_name", string=True) contact = Component(EpicsSignal, "contact", string=True) email = Component(EpicsSignal, "email", string=True) institution = Component(EpicsSignal, "institution", string=True) station = Component(EpicsSignal, "station", string=True) team_others = Component(EpicsSignal, "team_others", string=True) time_begin = Component(EpicsSignal, "time_begin", string=True) time_end = Component(EpicsSignal, "time_end", string=True) timestamp = Component(EpicsSignal, "timestamp", string=True) title = Component(EpicsSignal, "title", string=True) # not yet updated, see: esaf = Component(EpicsSignal, "esaf", string=True) esaf_contact = Component(EpicsSignal, "esaf_contact", string=True) esaf_team = Component(EpicsSignal, "esaf_team", string=True) class DeviceMixinBase(Device): """Base class for apstools Device mixin classes"""
[docs]class AxisTunerException(ValueError): """Exception during execution of `AxisTunerBase` subclass"""
class AxisTunerMixin(EpicsMotor): """ Mixin class to provide tuning capabilities for an axis See the `TuneAxis()` example in this jupyter notebook: HOOK METHODS There are two hook methods (`pre_tune_method()`, and `post_tune_method()`) for callers to add additional plan parts, such as opening or closing shutters, setting detector parameters, or other actions. Each hook method must accept a single argument: an axis object such as `EpicsMotor` or `SynAxis`, such as:: def my_pre_tune_hook(axis): yield from, "open") def my_post_tune_hook(axis): yield from, "close") class TunableSynAxis(AxisTunerMixin, SynAxis): pass myaxis = TunableSynAxis(name="myaxis") mydet = SynGauss('mydet', myaxis, 'myaxis', center=0.21, Imax=0.98e5, sigma=0.127) myaxis.tuner = TuneAxis([mydet], myaxis) myaxis.pre_tune_method = my_pre_tune_hook myaxis.post_tune_method = my_post_tune_hook RE(myaxis.tune()) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.tuner = None # such as: apstools.plans.TuneAxis # Hook functions for callers to add additional plan parts # Each must accept one argument: axis object such as `EpicsMotor` or `SynAxis` self.pre_tune_method = self._default_pre_tune_method self.post_tune_method = self._default_post_tune_method def _default_pre_tune_method(self): """called before `tune()`""""{} position before tuning: {}".format(, self.position)) yield from bps.null() def _default_post_tune_method(self): """called after `tune()`""""{} position after tuning: {}".format(, self.position)) yield from bps.null() def tune(self, md=None, **kwargs): if self.tuner is None: msg = "Must define an axis tuner, none specified." msg += " Consider using apstools.plans.TuneAxis()" raise AxisTunerException(msg) if self.tuner.axis is None: msg = "Must define an axis, none specified." raise AxisTunerException(msg) if md is None: md = OrderedDict() md["purpose"] = "tuner" md["datetime"] = str( if self.tuner is not None: if self.pre_tune_method is not None: yield from self.pre_tune_method() yield from self.tuner.tune(md=md, **kwargs) if self.post_tune_method is not None: yield from self.post_tune_method() class EpicsDescriptionMixin(DeviceMixinBase): """ add a record's description field to a Device, such as EpicsMotor EXAMPLE:: from ophyd import EpicsMotor from apstools.devices import EpicsDescriptionMixin class myEpicsMotor(EpicsDescriptionMixin, EpicsMotor): pass m1 = myEpicsMotor('xxx:m1', name='m1') print(m1.desc.value) more ideas:: class TunableSynAxis(AxisTunerMixin, SynAxis): '''synthetic axis that can be tuned''' class TunableEpicsMotor(AxisTunerMixin, EpicsMotor): '''EpicsMotor that can be tuned''' class EpicsMotorWithDescription(EpicsDescriptionMixin, EpicsMotor): '''EpicsMotor with description field''' class EpicsMotorWithMore( EpicsDescriptionMixin, EpicsMotorLimitsMixin, EpicsMotorDialMixin, EpicsMotorRawMixin, EpicsMotor): ''' EpicsMotor with more fields * description (``desc``) * soft motor limits (``soft_limit_hi``, ``soft_limit_lo``) * dial coordinates (``dial``) * raw coordinates (``raw``) ''' """ desc = Component(EpicsSignal, ".DESC") class EpicsMotorDialMixin(DeviceMixinBase): """ add motor record's dial coordinate fields to Device EXAMPLE:: from ophyd import EpicsMotor from apstools.devices import EpicsMotorDialMixin class myEpicsMotor(EpicsMotorDialMixin, EpicsMotor): pass m1 = myEpicsMotor('xxx:m1', name='m1') print( """ dial = Component(EpicsSignal, ".DRBV", write_pv=".DVAL") class EpicsMotorLimitsMixin(DeviceMixinBase): """ add motor record HLM & LLM fields & compatibility get_lim() and set_lim() EXAMPLE:: from ophyd import EpicsMotor from apstools.devices import EpicsMotorLimitsMixin class myEpicsMotor(EpicsMotorLimitsMixin, EpicsMotor): pass m1 = myEpicsMotor('xxx:m1', name='m1') lo = m1.get_lim(-1) hi = m1.get_lim(1) m1.set_lim(-25, -5) print(m1.get_lim(-1), m1.get_lim(1)) m1.set_lim(lo, hi) """ soft_limit_lo = Component(EpicsSignal, ".LLM") soft_limit_hi = Component(EpicsSignal, ".HLM") def get_lim(self, flag): """ Returns the user limit of motor * flag > 0: returns high limit * flag < 0: returns low limit * flag == 0: returns None Similar with SPEC command """ if flag > 0: return self.soft_limit_hi.value else: return self.soft_limit_lo.value def set_lim(self, low, high): """ Sets the low and high limits of motor * No action taken if motor is moving. * Low limit is set to lesser of (low, high) * High limit is set to greater of (low, high) Similar with SPEC command """ if not self.moving: yield from self.soft_limit_lo, min(low, high), self.soft_limit_hi, max(low, high), ) class EpicsMotorServoMixin(DeviceMixinBase): """ add motor record's servo loop controls to Device EXAMPLE:: from ophyd import EpicsMotor from apstools.devices import EpicsMotorServoMixin class myEpicsMotor(EpicsMotorServoMixin, EpicsMotor): pass m1 = myEpicsMotor('xxx:m1', name='m1') print( """ # values: "Enable" or "Disable" servo = Component(EpicsSignal, ".CNEN", string=True) class EpicsMotorRawMixin(DeviceMixinBase): """ add motor record's raw coordinate fields to Device EXAMPLE:: from ophyd import EpicsMotor from apstools.devices import EpicsMotorRawMixin class myEpicsMotor(EpicsMotorRawMixin, EpicsMotor): pass m1 = myEpicsMotor('xxx:m1', name='m1') print( """ raw = Component(EpicsSignal, ".RRBV", write_pv=".RVAL") class EpicsMotorShutter(OneSignalShutter): """ a shutter, implemented with an EPICS motor moved between two positions EXAMPLE:: tomo_shutter = EpicsMotorShutter("2bma:m23", name="tomo_shutter") tomo_shutter.close_value = 1.0 # default tomo_shutter.open_value = 0.0 # default tomo_shutter.tolerance = 0.01 # default tomo_shutter.close() # or, when used in a plan def planA(): yield from abs_set(tomo_shutter, "open", group="O") yield from wait("O") yield from abs_set(tomo_shutter, "close", group="X") yield from wait("X") def planA(): yield from abs_set(tomo_shutter, "open", wait=True) yield from abs_set(tomo_shutter, "close", wait=True) def planA(): yield from mv(tomo_shutter, "open") yield from mv(tomo_shutter, "close") """ signal = Component(EpicsMotor, "") tolerance = 0.01 # how close is considered in-position? @property def state(self): """is shutter "open", "close", or "unknown"?""" if abs(self.signal.position - self.open_value) <= self.tolerance: result = self.valid_open_values[0] elif abs(self.signal.position - self.close_value) <= self.tolerance: result = self.valid_close_values[0] else: result = self.unknown_state return result def open(self): """move motor to BEAM NOT BLOCKED position, interactive use""" if not self.isOpen: self.signal.move(self.open_value) if self.delay_s > 0: time.sleep(self.delay_s) # blocking call OK here def close(self): """move motor to BEAM BLOCKED position, interactive use""" self.signal.move(self.close_value) if not self.isClosed: self.signal.move(self.close_value) if self.delay_s > 0: time.sleep(self.delay_s) # blocking call OK here class EpicsOnOffShutter(OneSignalShutter): """ a shutter using a single EPICS PV moved between two positions Use for a shutter controlled by a single PV which takes a value for the close command and a different value for the open command. The current position is determined by comparing the value of the control with the expected open and close values. EXAMPLE:: bit_shutter = EpicsOnOffShutter("2bma:bit1", name="bit_shutter") bit_shutter.close_value = 0 # default bit_shutter.open_value = 1 # default bit_shutter.close() # or, when used in a plan def planA(): yield from mv(bit_shutter, "open") yield from mv(bit_shutter, "close") """ signal = Component(EpicsSignal, "") class DualPf4FilterBox(Device): """ Dual Xia PF4 filter boxes using support from synApps (using Al, Ti foils) EXAMPLE:: pf4 = DualPf4FilterBox("2bmb:pf4:", name="pf4") pf4_AlTi = DualPf4FilterBox("9idcRIO:pf4:", name="pf4_AlTi") """ fPosA = Component(EpicsSignal, "fPosA") fPosB = Component(EpicsSignal, "fPosB") bankA = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "bankA") bankB = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "bankB") bitFlagA = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "bitFlagA") bitFlagB = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "bitFlagB") transmission = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "trans") transmission_a = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "transA") transmission_b = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "transB") inverse_transmission = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "invTrans") thickness_Al_mm = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "filterAl") thickness_Ti_mm = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "filterTi") thickness_glass_mm = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "filterGlass") energy_keV_local = Component(EpicsSignal, "E:local") energy_keV_mono = Component(EpicsSignal, "displayEnergy") mode = Component(EpicsSignal, "useMono", string=True) class KohzuSeqCtl_Monochromator(Device): """ synApps Kohzu double-crystal monochromator sequence control program """ # lambda is reserved word in Python, can't use it wavelength = Component(EpicsSignal, "BraggLambdaRdbkAO", write_pv="BraggLambdaAO") energy = Component(EpicsSignal, "BraggERdbkAO", write_pv="BraggEAO") theta = Component(EpicsSignal, "BraggThetaRdbkAO", write_pv="BraggThetaAO") message1 = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "KohzuSeqMsg1SI") message2 = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "KohzuSeqMsg2SI") operator_acknowledge = Component(EpicsSignal, "KohzuOperAckBO") use_set = Component(EpicsSignal, "KohzuUseSetBO") mode = Component(EpicsSignal, "KohzuModeBO") move_button = Component(EpicsSignal, "KohzuPutBO") y_offset = Component(EpicsSignal, "Kohzu_yOffsetAO") crystal_mode = Component(EpicsSignal, "KohzuMode2MO") crystal_h = Component(EpicsSignal, "BraggHAO") crystal_k = Component(EpicsSignal, "BraggKAO") crystal_l = Component(EpicsSignal, "BraggLAO") crystal_lattice_constant = Component(EpicsSignal, "BraggAAO") crystal_mode = Component(EpicsSignal, "Bragg2dSpacingAO") crystal_type = Component(EpicsSignal, "BraggTypeMO") class Struck3820(Device): """Struck/SIS 3820 Multi-Channel Scaler (as used by USAXS)""" start_all = Component(EpicsSignal, "StartAll") stop_all = Component(EpicsSignal, "StopAll") erase_start = Component(EpicsSignal, "EraseStart") erase_all = Component(EpicsSignal, "EraseAll") mca1 = Component(EpicsMCARecord, "mca1") mca2 = Component(EpicsMCARecord, "mca2") mca3 = Component(EpicsMCARecord, "mca3") mca4 = Component(EpicsMCARecord, "mca4") clock_frequency = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "clock_frequency") current_channel = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "CurrentChannel") channel_max = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "MaxChannels") channels_used = Component(EpicsSignal, "NuseAll") elapsed_real_time = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "ElapsedReal") preset_real_time = Component(EpicsSignal, "PresetReal") dwell_time = Component(EpicsSignal, "Dwell") prescale = Component(EpicsSignal, "Prescale") acquiring = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "Acquiring", string=True) acquire_mode = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "AcquireMode", string=True) model = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "Model", string=True) firmware = Component(EpicsSignalRO, "Firmware") channel_advance = Component(EpicsSignal, "ChannelAdvance") count_on_start = Component(EpicsSignal, "CountOnStart") channel_advance = Component(EpicsSignal, "SoftwareChannelAdvance") channel1_source = Component(EpicsSignal, "Channel1Source") user_led = Component(EpicsSignal, "UserLED") mux_output = Component(EpicsSignal, "MUXOutput") input_mode = Component(EpicsSignal, "InputMode") output_mode = Component(EpicsSignal, "OutputMode") output_polarity = Component(EpicsSignal, "OutputPolarity") read_rate = Component(EpicsSignal, "ReadAll.SCAN") do_readl_all = Component(EpicsSignal, "DoReadAll") # AreaDetector support AD_FrameType_schemes = { "reset" : dict( # default names from Area Detector code ZRST = "Normal", ONST = "Background", TWST = "FlatField", ), "NeXus" : dict( # NeXus (typical locations) ZRST = "/entry/data/data", ONST = "/entry/data/dark", TWST = "/entry/data/white", ), "DataExchange" : dict( # APS Data Exchange ZRST = "/exchange/data", ONST = "/exchange/data_dark", TWST = "/exchange/data_white", ), }
[docs]def AD_setup_FrameType(prefix, scheme="NeXus"): """ configure so frames are identified & handled by type (dark, white, or image) PARAMETERS prefix (str) : EPICS PV prefix of area detector, such as "13SIM1:" scheme (str) : any key in the `AD_FrameType_schemes` dictionary This routine prepares the EPICS Area Detector to identify frames by image type for handling by clients, such as the HDF5 file writing plugin. With the HDF5 plugin, the `FrameType` PV is added to the NDattributes and then used in the layout file to direct the acquired frame to the chosen dataset. The `FrameType` PV value provides the HDF5 address to be used. To use a different scheme than the defaults, add a new key to the `AD_FrameType_schemes` dictionary, defining storage values for the fields of the EPICS `mbbo` record that you will be using. see: EXAMPLE:: AD_setup_FrameType("2bmbPG3:", scheme="DataExchange") * Call this function *before* creating the ophyd area detector object * use lower-level PyEpics interface """ db = AD_FrameType_schemes.get(scheme) if db is None: msg = "unknown AD_FrameType_schemes scheme: {}".format(scheme) msg += "\n Should be one of: " + ", ".join(AD_FrameType_schemes.keys()) raise ValueError(msg) template = "{}cam1:FrameType{}.{}" for field, value in db.items(): epics.caput(template.format(prefix, "", field), value) epics.caput(template.format(prefix, "_RBV", field), value)
[docs]def AD_warmed_up(detector): """ Has area detector pushed an NDarray to the HDF5 plugin? True or False Works around an observed issue: #598 If detector IOC has just been started and has not yet taken an image with the HDF5 plugin, then a TimeoutError will occur as the HDF5 plugin "Capture" is set to 1 (Start). In such case, first acquire at least one image with the HDF5 plugin enabled. """ old_capture = detector.hdf1.capture.value old_file_write_mode = detector.hdf1.file_write_mode.value if old_capture == 1: return True detector.hdf1.file_write_mode.put(1) detector.hdf1.capture.put(1) verdict = detector.hdf1.capture.get() == 1 detector.hdf1.capture.put(old_capture) detector.hdf1.file_write_mode.put(old_file_write_mode) return verdict
class AD_EpicsHdf5FileName(FileStorePluginBase): """ custom class to define image file name from EPICS .. caution:: *Caveat emptor* applies here. You assume expertise! Replace standard Bluesky algorithm where file names are defined as UUID strings, virtually guaranteeing that no existing images files will ever be overwritten. Also, this method decouples the data files from the databroker, which needs the files to be named by UUID. .. autosummary:: ~make_filename ~generate_datum ~get_frames_per_point ~stage To allow users to control the file **name**, we override the ``make_filename()`` method here and we need to override some intervening classes. To allow users to control the file **number**, we override the ``stage()`` method here and triple-comment out that line, and bring in sections from the methods we are replacing here. The image file name is set in `FileStoreBase.make_filename()` from `ophyd.areadetector.filestore_mixins`. This is called (during device staging) from `FileStoreBase.stage()` EXAMPLE: To use this custom class, we need to connect it to some intervening structure. Here are the steps: #. override default file naming #. use to make your custom iterative writer #. use to make your custom HDF5 plugin #. use to make your custom AD support imports:: from bluesky import RunEngine, plans as bp from ophyd.areadetector import SimDetector, SingleTrigger from ophyd.areadetector import ADComponent, ImagePlugin, SimDetectorCam from ophyd.areadetector import HDF5Plugin from ophyd.areadetector.filestore_mixins import FileStoreIterativeWrite override default file naming:: from apstools.devices import AD_EpicsHdf5FileName make a custom iterative writer:: class myHdf5EpicsIterativeWriter(AD_EpicsHdf5FileName, FileStoreIterativeWrite): pass make a custom HDF5 plugin:: class myHDF5FileNames(HDF5Plugin, myHdf5EpicsIterativeWriter): pass define support for the detector (simulated detector here):: class MySimDetector(SingleTrigger, SimDetector): '''SimDetector with HDF5 file names specified by EPICS''' cam = ADComponent(SimDetectorCam, "cam1:") image = ADComponent(ImagePlugin, "image1:") hdf1 = ADComponent( myHDF5FileNames, suffix = "HDF1:", root = "/", write_path_template = "/", ) create an instance of the detector:: simdet = MySimDetector("13SIM1:", name="simdet") if hasattr(simdet.hdf1.stage_sigs, "array_counter"): # remove this so array counter is not set to zero each staging del simdet.hdf1.stage_sigs["array_counter"] simdet.hdf1.stage_sigs["file_template"] = '%s%s_%3.3d.h5' setup the file names using the EPICS HDF5 plugin:: simdet.hdf1.file_path.put("/tmp/simdet_demo/") # ! ALWAYS end with a "/" ! simdet.hdf1.file_name.put("test") simdet.hdf1.array_counter.put(0) If you have not already, create a bluesky RunEngine:: RE = RunEngine({}) take an image:: RE(bp.count([simdet])) INTERNAL METHODS """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.filestore_spec = 'AD_HDF5' # spec name stored in resource doc self.stage_sigs.update([ ('file_template', '%s%s_%4.4d.h5'), ('file_write_mode', 'Stream'), ('capture', 1) ]) def make_filename(self): """ overrides default behavior: Get info from EPICS HDF5 plugin. """ # start of the file name, file number will be appended per template filename = self.file_name.value # this is where the HDF5 plugin will write the image, # relative to the IOC's filesystem write_path = self.file_path.value # this is where the DataBroker will find the image, # on a filesystem accessible to BlueSky read_path = write_path return filename, read_path, write_path def generate_datum(self, key, timestamp, datum_kwargs): """Generate a uid and cache it with its key for later insertion.""" template = self.file_template.get() filename, read_path, write_path = self.make_filename() file_number = self.file_number.get() hdf5_file_name = template % (read_path, filename, file_number) # inject the actual name of the HDF5 file here into datum_kwargs datum_kwargs["HDF5_file_name"] = hdf5_file_name logger.debug("make_filename:", hdf5_file_name) return super().generate_datum(key, timestamp, datum_kwargs) def get_frames_per_point(self): """overrides default behavior""" return self.num_capture.get() def stage(self): """ overrides default behavior Set EPICS items before device is staged, then copy EPICS naming template (and other items) to ophyd after staging. """ # Make a filename. filename, read_path, write_path = self.make_filename() # Ensure we do not have an old file open. set_and_wait(self.capture, 0) # These must be set before parent is staged (specifically # before capture mode is turned on. They will not be reset # on 'unstage' anyway. set_and_wait(self.file_path, write_path) set_and_wait(self.file_name, filename) ### set_and_wait(self.file_number, 0) # get file number now since it is incremented during stage() file_number = self.file_number.get() # Must avoid parent's stage() since it sets file_number to 0 # Want to call grandparent's stage() #super().stage() # avoid this - sets `file_number` to zero # call grandparent.stage() FileStoreBase.stage(self) # AD does the file name templating in C # We can't access that result until after acquisition # so we apply the same template here in Python. template = self.file_template.get() self._fn = template % (read_path, filename, file_number) self._fp = read_path if not self.file_path_exists.get(): raise IOError("Path {} does not exist on IOC.".format( self.file_path.get())) # from FileStoreIterativeWrite.stage() self._point_counter = itertools.count() # from FileStoreHDF5.stage() res_kwargs = {'frame_per_point': self.get_frames_per_point()} self._generate_resource(res_kwargs)